
Samsung Names Young Hyun Jun CEO Of Semiconductor Business

South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics Co Ltd announced Tuesday the appointment of Young Hyun Jun as the new chief of Device Solutions unit. The move is expected to strengthen its semiconductor business and its competitiveness amid surge in chip

British chip sector boosted by new independent Semiconductor Institute

One year on from the launch of the £1bn National Semiconductor Strategy, the UK government has now announced the UK Semiconductor Institute, which will bring together government, universities and the private sector to support key components laid out in the

Independent semiconductor institute launched to support strategy and innovation

An independent UK Semiconductor Institute is being launched to bring together government, universities and the private sector together to support key components of the government’s Semiconductor Strategy to grow the sector. The Institute is backed by £1 billion. The organisation

Malaysia should seize semiconductor opportunity

“BRAIN drain” is a perennial issue Malaysia faces. The ebb and flow of geopolitics now present us with a rare opportunity to stem and potentially reverse brain drain in this generation. Win a prize this Mother's Day by subscribing to

FAR Council Announces Proposal to Ban Government Purchases and Use of Certain Semiconductors

On May 3, the Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) that would prohibit executive agencies from procuring electronic goods and services incorporating semiconductor

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Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify

Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify | Insurance Business New Zealand Risk Management News Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify How should the market respond with geopolitical tensions abound? Risk Management News By Kenneth Araullo Semiconductors have become an essential

Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify

Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify | Insurance Business New Zealand Risk Management News Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify How should the market respond with geopolitical tensions abound? Risk Management News By Kenneth Araullo Semiconductors have become an essential

Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify

Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify | Insurance Business New Zealand Risk Management News Sourcing contingencies as semiconductor risks intensify How should the market respond with geopolitical tensions abound? Risk Management News By Kenneth Araullo Semiconductors have become an essential

DSIT unveils plans for independent institute to underpin UK Semiconductor Strategy | Computer Weekly

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) is reinforcing its commitment to the UK government’s £1bn Semiconductor Strategy by setting out plans to open an independent institute tasked with promoting the sector to overseas investors. The UK Semiconductor Institute will