GTU Launches Pioneering Semiconductor Manufacturing Course for Engineering Students | Ahmedabad News – Times of India

Ahmedabad: Gujarat Technological University (GTU) plans to launch a specialised semiconductor manufacturing course to address the industry’s demand for qualified and skilled professionals. The programme, “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Package Manufacturing and Test,” will be available to BTech and MTech students from electronics, electrical, mechanical, material engineering, and associated fields.
Starting this academic year, the university already incorporated various semiconductor-related subjects into different engineering programmes. According to GTU sources, the state Academic Reforms Committee evaluated the possibility of launching a dedicated course or including semiconductor-related subjects in current engineering programmes.
“The committee, along with different stakeholders including GTU officials, discussed the viability and requirement of such a course during its meetings held on May 30 and 31 and submitted its report and recommendations to the Commissionerate of Technical Education,” a senior official in the department of Commissionerate of Technical Education told TOI. The specialised course was created following departmental authorisation.
“Based on the recommendations from the Commissionerate of Technical Education and the Academic Reforms Committee, we already launched semiconductor-related elective subjects in various degree engineering courses in different branches across our institutes starting from the current academic year. Several students opted for these subjects and are studying them in different semesters,” Rajul Gajjar, vice chancellor of GTU, told TOI.
Gajjar stated that GTU applied to the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to begin the “Fundamentals of Semiconductor Package Manufacturing and Test” course. She mentioned that the course development included consultation with industry representatives, students, and teachers, incorporating their input. The programme is anticipated to begin from the next academic year, subject to AICTE approval.
Box: Key components
– Package manufacturing processes
– Semiconductor component and package test
– Semiconductor package materials and qualification
– Electrical and physical failure analysis
– Industrial quality and statistical process control