North American Semiconductor industry forms coalition to address trade challenges – Plant

North American Semiconductor industry forms coalition to address trade challenges – Plant

Organizations across Quebec and the Northeastern states of the United States have joined forces to address trade challenges and strengthen resilience, according to a statement released by Technum Québec.

The collaboration highlights the semiconductor industry as a key element of national security and economic sovereignty, intending to strengthen North America’s resilience, competitiveness and autonomy in this sector.

The coalition includes:

  • AmCham Québec
  • Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development
  • University of Vermont
  • Technum Québec – Innovation Zone in Electronics and Semiconductors
  • Distriq – Quantum Innovation Zone
  • C2MI – MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre
  • ISEQ – Pôle d’excellence de l’Industrie des Systèmes Électroniques du Québec
  • Université de Sherbrooke
  • Conseil du patronat du Québec

Through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between these stakeholders, the alliance will reportedly focus on:

  • Developing a resilient supply chain for uninterrupted access to critical components.
  • Facilitating policy coordination to mitigate the impact of trade barriers.
  • Establishing the Northeast Semiconductor Manufacturing Corridor, spanning Quebec and northeastern U.S. states, as a hub for innovation and advanced manufacturing.

“As global pressures increase, North America must unite to secure its semiconductor supply chain,” said Michel Belval, president of the AmCham Quebec chapter. “This partnership exemplifies how collaboration across borders can drive innovation, protect economic stability, and address strategic challenges in a rapidly evolving world.”

“The Northeast Manufacturing Corridor is home to the highest concentration of semiconductor manufacturers, with thriving tech hubs on both the Canadian and American sides. This partnership not only strengthens our ability to address emerging industry demands but also highlights the importance of sharing expertise and resources across borders to drive progress in advanced technologies,” said Normand Bourbonnais and Manon Duclos, outgoing and current CEOs of Technum Québec.

In the coming weeks, additional organizations are reportedly expected to join the movement.

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