Bryan ISD School Board Agrees To Continue Looking Into Giving Property Tax Breaks For A Prospective Semiconductor Plant – WTAW | 1620AM & 94.5FM

Bryan ISD school board members get their first opportunity in public to consider giving property tax breaks to a company thinking about building a semi conductor manufacturing plant on the RELLIS campus.
Following a public hearing at Monday’s meeting (September 23), the board unanimously agreed to take the next step in the request that has already been approved by Brazos County commissioners and the Bryan city council.
WTAW News has requested a copy of the document that the BISD board approved.
Unlike the city of Bryan and Brazos County, which has total authority to approve offering tax abatements, public school districts have to get permission from the state comptroller and the governor.
The BISD board’s vote came after learning the comptroller’s office ruled the application by what is known only as “America’s Foundry Texas LLC” qualified for property tax abatements.
The comptroller’s review included comparing the Bryan application to finalists located in Oregon and New York state.
BISD board members learned the applicant is proposing an $11.6 billion dollar facility that would take five to six years to build.
The tax abatement period would be between the 2030-31 school year and the 2039-2040 school year.
Board members were told between BISD, the city, and the county, the applicant wants to avoid paying $760 million dollars in property taxes.
The board was also told while the applicant officially planned to open with 35 employees, initial employment will be 1,500 and would grow to 5,000.
And the board was told the one of a kind manufacturing plant would lead to the creation of 20 to 30 support businesses.
Comments during a public hearing before the vote came from Texas A&M system chancellor John Sharp, Bryan mayor Bobby Gutierrez, and one citizen who was opposed to the tax abatements.
The vote allowed negotiations to take place between the governor’s office, the applicant, and the BISD board.
Click below to hear some of the comments from the September 23, 2024 Bryan ISD school board meeting.